Icon Citizen Engagement

Citizen engagement

Citizen engagement, citizen science, public participation, social innovation, co-creation… there are many terms trying to capture the emerging and significant shift towards a more balanced approach. Today, creating a sustainable project or initiative often means actively engaging with citizens to define the issues we face, identify solutions to pursue, and manage their delivery together.
ESCI’s experts have been working to improve approaches to citizen engagement and to develop this in European projects and beyond.

Particpatory leadership discussion

Innovative Citizen Engagement Strategies

We have studied a range of frameworks and models for citizen engagement – from Living Labs to urban planning, public transport and district heating. This has involved collecting dozens of great examples, defining central tenets and working with international experts. We’re now able to propose concrete measures towards a systemic, scalable and effective approach to citizen engagement.

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Social Broadcasting

Social broadcasting and live video streaming such as Facebook Live or Periscope are quickly changing the game for those who have a message to spread. It blends content, social media and our growing appetite for video in an accessible package. Our experts have been working with a group of international associations and non-profits to reap the benefits of inexpensive user-friendly social broadcasting tools. Our white paper on applications and best practices in this field is due out soon.

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Webinars “Buildings don’t use energy, people do!”

ESCI expertise was behind a series of webinars on key issues during the 2016 European Sustainable Energy Week. We harnessed the collective wisdom of a cluster of projects to discuss working with citizens as stakeholders ? what worked, what didn’t, how to achieve buy-in and how to meet citizens’ needs with pioneering technology, outreach and communication.
Watch the webinar